A potential benefit to implement tensor networks to QuTiP.

This is a collection of notes that I will use to create a draft for the Tensor Network proposal in QuTiP. Here I showcase the potential benefits of adapting a Tensor Network approach in QuTiP.


Tensors are algebraic objects that describe multi-linear relationships between vector spaces. Which means that they represent linear functions that map a set of vector spaces to another set of vector spaces. In quantum mechanics these tensors can be used to represent the objects of our system: kets, operators, density matrices, etc.

Interestingly, tensors have a neat graphical representation. An example of such representation can be seen in the following figure:

Figure 1: Graphical representation of a tensor netowork. Nodes
represent a tensor of order $k$ where $k$ is the number of legs. Legs represent the
indices of a tensor. We assume in that each index,$i$, follows $i \in \set{0,1}
$. a) 4-qubit state. b) 4 qubit operator.
Figure 1: Graphical representation of a tensor netowork. Nodes represent a tensor of order $k$ where $k$ is the number of legs. Legs represent the indices of a tensor. We assume in that each index,$i$, follows $i \in \set{0,1} $. a) 4-qubit state. b) 4 qubit operator.

QuTiP can currently represent a Qobj with either a sparse matrix or a dense matrix. What I will show in this example is that having only these two representation methods will prove inefficient for certain operations. Complementing these two representation methods with tensor networks can lead to significant speed-ups in QuTiP. As example, lets consider the application of a Hadamard gate to $n$ qubits, $$ \left( \bigotimes^n H \right)| \psi \rangle , $$ where $|\psi\rangle$ is a random $n$-qubit sate and $H$ is the Hadamard matrix. I will now show three different strategies that one can follow to represent $\hat{O} = \bigotimes^n H$ and perform the desired operation.

Method 1: dense representation of the operator $\hat{O}$.

We can obtain a dense representation of the operator by using the Kronecker product. In QuTiP, this is achieve with the following code:

n = 13
H = qutip.gates.hadamard_transform()  # One qubit hadamard
O = qutip.tensor([H]*n)

In this case, the memory requirements scale as $O(N^2)$, where $N=2^n$, as we need $N^2$ complex numbers to represent $\hat{O}$. If we want to apply this operation to a random sate, we do the full matrix multiplication:

state = qutip.rand_ket(2**13, dims = [2]*n)
%%timeit # 125 ms

Notice that since we are doing a full matrix multiplication, the number of floating point operations required are $O(N^2)$. Both the memory and the operations scale quadratically with $N$. Note however that $N=2^n$ and hence the scaling is quadratically exponential with the number of qubits. We will not be able to get ride of the exponential scaling for the operations due to the dense representation of the state, but we can improve the operation scaling with the next method.

Method 2: sparse representation of the operator $\hat{O}$.

A more efficient strategy one can follow in QuTiP 5 is the following. Instead of representing the full matrix, we can represent the individual Hadamard operations, $\hat{O}_j = \left(\bigotimes^j I \right)\otimes H \otimes\left(\bigotimes^{n-j-1} I \right)$ using sparse matrices, where $I$ is the identity operation. Notice that the full operator $\hat{O} = \prod_j \hat{O}_j$ is not sparse, it has no single zero in it and hence we are forced to represent it with a dense matrix. However, the operators $\hat{O}_j$ are extremely sparse, with an sparsity equivalent to a tridiagonal matrix1.

The operation with the $\hat{O}_j$ operators would go as follows:

H = qutip.hadamard_transform()
I = qutip.qeye(2)

# Representing O as a list of the operators Oj
O = [qutip.tensor([I]*j + [H] + [I]*(n-j)).to('csr') for j in range(n)]

# Operation
%%timeit # 1.93 ms
for j in range(n):
    state = O[j]*state

The reason for this method to be faster is that, by using sparse algebra efficiently, we have improved the scaling of the operaitons. We can estimate the total number of operations by realizing that the operators $\hat{O}_j$ have two non zero elements in each row. Hence, the total number of non-zero elements is $O(N)$. The total number of operations is then $O(\log(N)N)$ as we perform $\log(N) = n$ sparse-dense matrix multiplications. This is quite an improvement compared to the previous case where for standard matrix vector multiplication we required $O(N^2)$ operations.

I would like to point out that this method is already a big improvement both in terms of operations and memory requirements. However, it is possible to perform even better, specially in terms of memory requirements. With method 2 we still require the memory to scale exponentialy while, intuitively, one can represent the hadamard gate with only four complex numbers, independently of the number of qubits, $n$.

One last thing to notice is that this method suffers from a huge overhead for small systems. Indeed, for $n=4$ method 1 performs the matrix-vector multiplication in 3 $\mu s$ whereas method 2 requires 300 $\mu s$.

Method 3: tensor network based approach.

For this last method, we will take advantage of the tensor structure of the operation. If we represent the state as $\psi_{i_1, j_1, k_1, l_1,…}$, with $i_1,j_1,… \in \set{0,1}$ and the hadamard matrix as $H_{i_2}^{i_1}$, then, the operation we are trying to perform consists on $$ \sum_{i_1,j_1,k1,\cdots} H_{i_1}^{i_2} H_{j_1}^{j_2}H_{k_1}^{k_2} \cdots \psi^{i_1,j_1,k_1,\cdots} $$ which is just a tensor contraction.

If we represent all these matrices as numpy arrays, we can use the np.tensordot method in numpy to obtain a faster operation:

H_np = qutip.hadamard_transform().full()
state_np = state.full().reshape([2]*n)

# 570 us with n=13, 50 us with n=4.
%% timeit 
for j in range(n):
    state_np = np.tensordot(H_np, state_np, axes=([0],[j]))

The complexity of this operation is $O(\log(N)N)$, same as for the sparse case. This is because, once more, we perform $n=\log(N)$ operations sequentially, each requiring $O(N)$ operations.

The Hadamard operation that we are using as example, has a nice graphical representation using tensor networks as depicted in Fig. 2 a). I turns out that, actually, all the three method presented here are tensor contractions which have a neat graphical representation. For instance, the tensor contraction corresponding to method 1 is depicted in Fig. 1b). There are several other procedures to contract this tensor but, in general, finding the optimal tensor contraction is a NP problem. Nevertheless, for this particular yet general case, there is an optimal contraction method. This is depicted in Fig. 1c) and consists and represents the same operation that the code above is performing, i.e., we contract each of the Hadamard operations sequentially.

Figure 2: a) operation thati is being analisez throught this
blog post. See first equation in the text. Green nodes represent the Hadamard
matrix and the blue blob represents the state of the system comprised by $n$
qubits. b) tensor network contraction following the method 1 discused in the
text. The operation consists on representing the hadamard matrices as a dense
matrix followed by the contraction of the resulting network (b.2)). c)
contraction sequence followed in the method 3 of the main text. It consists on
sequentially contracting each node until the whole tensor is contracted.
Figure 2: a) operation thati is being analisez throught this blog post. See first equation in the text. Green nodes represent the Hadamard matrix and the blue blob represents the state of the system comprised by $n$ qubits. b) tensor network contraction following the method 1 discused in the text. The operation consists on representing the hadamard matrices as a dense (b.1)) matrix followed by the contraction of the resulting network (b.2)). c) contraction sequence followed in the method 3 of the main text. It consists on sequentially contracting each node until the whole tensor is contracted.

This method has the nice properties of requiring memory that scales linearly with the system size, and operations that scale similarly to the method 2, based on sparse matrices. The reason that in practice method 3 is always faster than the sparse method, is most likely due to a combination of lower memory requirements, smaller overhead and more efficient implementation of low level routines.


The results of the benchmarks for the problem presented in this post are summarized in the following table:

method$n=13$$n=4$Operation scalingMemory scaling (operator)
Dense (1)125 $ms$ (x219)3 $\mu s$ (x1)$N^2$$N^2$
Sparse (2)1.93 $ms$ (x3.3)300 $\mu s$ (x100)$N\log(N)$$N$
Tensor (3)0.57 $ms$ (x1)50 $\mu s$ (x16)$N\log(N)$$\log(N)$

Table: Benchmark results for the application of Hadamard matrices to a random state as defined in the text. $n$ is the number of qubits employed in the simulation and $N=2^n$. Note that a scaling with $N$ is exponential whereas a scaling with $\log(N)$ is linear in the nuber of qubits. This shows that the Tensor method is very promising for the simulation of very large systems.

We see Dense is the fasts method for N=4 but the slowest for N=13, as it has the worst scaling. For larger systems the Tensor method (3) is the most efficient one both in terms of operation time and memory requirements. These results show that representing the output of the qutip.tensor function as a series of tensors can lead to significant speed-ups which I anticipate to be most impactful for the qutip-qip package. Another example of potential usecases comes with superoperators as they require an even larger matrix dimensions to be represented.

  1. The number of non-zero elements of $\bigotimes_{j=1}^n O_j$ is $\prod_{j=1}^n k_j$ with $k_j$ being the non-zero elements of the matrix $O_j$. This means that the total non-zero elements in a kroneker product is equal to the product of non-zero elements of the individual matrices. ↩︎

Asier Galicia Martínez
Asier Galicia Martínez
Master student at TU Delft